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Green Banking: Perception and Willingness of Customer to Adapt Green Banking

Journal: International Journal of Financial Management ( IJFM ) (Vol.7, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 1-8

Keywords : Green Banking; Perception; Customers; Internet Banking;

Source : Download Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Green banking is a revolutionary concept in banking industry in 2002. This concept came into picture for sustainable environment which will not only impact the environment, but also, to the economy. This includes promoting environmental friendly banking services. The research work includes the cause and effect relationship between the perceptions of the customers towards the usage of Green banking. So, we are using the explanatory research. We have formed the questionnaire and were filled by 50 sample size..There are few hypotheses which we will presume in this research work like: H0: More qualified people are more aware of internet banking practices H1: Qualification has no impact on awareness of internet banking practices H0: More qualified people are more aware of internet banking practices H1: Qualification has no impact on awareness of internet banking practices H0: People who earn more, are more prone to use internet banking H1: Income has no impact on usage of internet banking

Last modified: 2018-03-16 21:37:22