Data Mining Techniques?
Journal: International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing - IJCSMC (Vol.3, No. 4)Publication Date: 2014-04-30
Authors : Sayyed Muzammil Ali; R.R Tuteja;
Page : 879-883
Keywords : Data Mining; Data mining task; Data mining life cycle; Data mining Methods;
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Knowledge discovery in databases is a rapidly growing field, whose development is driven by strong research interests as well as urgent practical, social, and economical needs. In this paper, we provide an overview of common knowledge discovery tasks and approaches to solve these tasks. The concept of data mining was summarized and its significance towards its methodologies was illustrated. The data mining based on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm is researched in detail and the key technology and ways to achieve the data mining on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm are also surveyed.
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Last modified: 2014-04-26 02:03:22