Basic Structure Of PLC
Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (Vol.4, No. 3)Publication Date: 2018-06-01
Authors : Ankita Srivastav Raman Pandey Samiran Singh Tejansh Brighuvanshi Prof.Swapnil Namekar;
Page : 169-173
Keywords : ---;
This paper describes about the basic structure of PLC and gives the brief idea of plc components and their operations.In this project paper, ladder logic diagram of programming Logic Controller (PLC) is analyzed for input output module. As we know that in today's world automation is the future. So PLC helps in controlling and
monitoring of different processes in industry. In this paper we will see the basic programming of PLC and its various components as well as their uses.
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Last modified: 2018-07-07 16:01:10