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Person of Issue: Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Journal: The International Journal of Indian Psychology (Vol.1, No. 1)

Publication Date:

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Page : 1-8

Keywords : Sigmund Freud (1856-1939); Psychology;

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1856 Born in Freiberg (Pribor), northwestern Moravia 1859 Family moved to Vienna's "Leopoldstadt", or second district 1865 Attended high school at "Leopoldstadter Communal-Real-und Obergymnasium" 1873 Registered at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Vienna 1878 He changed his first name "Sigismund" to "Sigmund" 1881 Obtained his doctorate in Medicine 1882 Worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Physiology under Ernst Brcke 1885 One-year scholarship with Charcot at the "Salpetriere" in Paris 1886 Opened up his first neurologist's office in Vienna, Rathausstrasse 7 1886 Married Hamburg-born Martha Bernays (1861-1951) 1887 Birth of his elder daughter Mathilde (1887-1978) 1889 Birth of his son Martin (1889-1967) 1889 Scholarship in Nancy, with Libault and Bernheim: hypnosis studies 1891 Birth of his son Oliver (1892-1970) 1891 Freud family moved to the house Berggasse 19 in the 9th Viennese District 1892 Birth of his son Ernst (1892-1970) 1893 Birth of his daughter Sophie (1893-1920) 1895 Birth of his daughter Anna (1895-1982) 1895 Publication of his studies on hysteria together with Josef Breuer 1896 Freud called his new therapeutical treatment Psychoanalysis 1900 Publication of the book "Traumdeutung"/ "The Interpretation of Dreams" 1901 Publication of "Psychopathology of Everyday Life" 1902 Appointed associate professor of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Vienna 1905 Publication of "Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewuten" und "Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie" 1908 Founding of the "Viennese Association of Psychoanalysis" 1909 Guest lectures in the United States, University in Worcester, Massachusetts 1910 Founding of the "International Association of Psychoanalysis" 1912 Publication of "Yearbook of Psychoanalysis" 1913 Publication of the "International Magazine for Psychoanalysis" 1917 Freud comes out with "Lectures introducing Psychoanalysis" 1919 Publication of "The International Journal of Psychoanalysis" 1920 Publication of "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" 1920 Freud is finally appointed Professor of the University of Vienna 1923 Falls ill with palatine cancer 1923 Publication of "The Ego and the Id" 1924 Appointed "Citizen of Vienna" by the City of Vienna 1930 Freud is awarded the Goethe Prize for Literature honoring his "clear and impeccable style" 1930 Publication of "Civilization and its Discontents" 1930 Death of Freud's mother 1933 Freud's book burnt in Berlin 1936 First recurrence of cancer 1938 Nazi Invasion and thus decision to leave Vienna 1938 Journey to London 1939 Inoperable recurrence of cancer 1939 Freud dies on September 23

Last modified: 2014-06-08 01:09:27