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Waveform Optimization for Improved Target Visibility in Medium PRF Radar

Journal: International Journal of Electronics, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering Research and Development (IJECIERD) (Vol.4, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 105-110

Keywords : Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF); Pulsed Doppler Radar; Blind Zone;

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Medium PRF radar systems were devised as a compromise between Low and High PRF systems and allow all-round measurements of both the range and Doppler of targets in high clutter environments to be made. This paper proposes a novel pulse repetition frequency (PRF) selection scheme in medium PRF pulsed-Doppler radars. The optimization is driven by the requirement not only to minimize the blind zone in the range and velocity space but also to ensure the full decodability of the true range and Doppler frequency.

Last modified: 2014-07-10 21:59:21