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Competitiveness of general secondary education іnstitute: management aspects

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.9, No. 38)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 63-77

Keywords : competitiveness of the HSS; educational management; management; management aspect; competitiveness management.;

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The article examines the managerial aspect of the competitiveness of a general secondary education institution. Given that the educational services market dictates the particular conditions of educational institutions, a set of measures to ensure competitiveness in the educational sphere should be provided, given that educational services are not material. Recent researches and publications of scientists from different fields of knowledge on problems of enterprise management, as well as educational institutions in competitive conditions and problems of management of social and pedagogical systems are analyzed, as well as justification of scientists of the general bases of pedagogical management, which enabled the author to determine the managerial aspect of competitiveness of the medium education. It is proved that the competitiveness of the institution of general secondary education involves the use of innovative management, pedagogical, educational technologies and the use of the latest information and communication technologies. Four stages of enterprise competitiveness management as well as features of competitiveness management in the educational sphere are analyzed. The effectiveness of managing the competitiveness of an educational institution depends on the high level of professionalism of its staff, attracting the necessary resources to maintain a long-term relationship with consumers of educational services and taking into account the intangibility of educational services. Four key differences of services from material commodity products, which are also valid for educational services, are identified, as well as the components of the educational institution's competitiveness management, which are presented schematically. It is emphasized that only effective interaction of students and teachers with the use of innovative technologies ensures the competitiveness of the general secondary education institution. The author substantiates the managerial aspects of competitiveness of the general secondary education institution, taking into account the competitiveness of the staff, the competitiveness of the educational facilities and the competitiveness of the students.

Last modified: 2020-02-28 16:17:07