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Testing and Evaluation of Animal Drawn Multi Purpose Tool Seed cum Fertilizer Drill

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET) (Vol.3, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 463-466

Keywords : Calibration; Seed cum Fertilizer drill; Seed rate; Energy input output ratio.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The investigation was undertaken in Research Farm of Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, IGKV Raipur (Chhattisgarh) during period of kharif season. The MPT seed drill was tested for direct sowing of paddy and its performance evaluation was carried out with animal drawn conventional seed cum fertilizer drill. During the laboratory testing, the seed rate was measured at different hopper capacities and for various exposure length of fluted roller. The recommended seed rate i.e. 76.80 kg/ha was found at 10 mm fluted roller exposure length and at full hopper capacity. The draft and power requirement were measured for MPT seed cum fertilizer drill in field and found to be 53.7 kgf and 0.4 hp respectively. The actual field capacity and field efficiency was found to be 0.0853 ha/h and 73.9 % respectively. The energy output was found to be 134871 MJ/ha and 148319 MJ/ha for MPT seed cum fertilizer drill and conventional seed cum fertilizer drill respectively. The output-input ratio was found 17.47 for MPT seed cum fertilizer drill and 18.43 for conventional seed cum fertilizer drill. Yield and energy input output ratio was found little more in conventional seed drill as compare to MPT seed drill but in case of MPT seed drill there was feasibility of attaching different implements for number of field operation.

Last modified: 2014-09-27 22:06:09