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SCADA Based Power Control System Using PLC

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET) (Vol.3, No. 9)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 1129-1131

Keywords : monitoring; system; designed;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


SCADA is the acronym for “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.” SCADA systems are widely used in industry for supervisory control and data acquisition of industrial processes. The system is based on PLC and configuration software, and the SCADA power distribution monitoring system is designed. The system uses PLC to collect various intelligent instruments on site and electrical parameters of devices. They will be uploaded to the monitoring system by the switch through the SCADA. The objective of this project is to make simple and power saving system which will provide all facility needed by user and they can overcom e some common problem with this system. Now a day only industries are use the PLC and SCADA system so we are trying to show here commercial buildings can also use this system and save power and get facilities using this system. In this project we are trying to make one simple model which helps the user to at a very ease. For all we are attempting to make the power management model for the almost comfort and maximum facilities to the user.

Last modified: 2014-09-28 20:36:01