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Professional mobility of future tourism specialists

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.11, No. 40)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 40-52

Keywords : mobility; professional competence; readiness; motivation; self-development; reflection;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article states the mobility as a priority feature, a standardized element of European university education. It is found out that in order to develop the professional tourism specialist in the future, it is necessary to focus on filling the content of the educational process, to focus it on the development of professional competence, the development of values and attitudes towards people. The system of future tourism specialists training for professional mobility is based on a number of approaches, including competence, and represents the integrity of interconnected structural components: targeted (ensuring the proper level of readiness of the future tourism specialist for professional mobility), motivational (student's awareness of the need to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice), theoretical basic knowledge of modern concepts of tourism, special knowledge of the methods of study of tourist potential, professional mobility, etc.), practical (basic and vocationally oriented skills), effective (achieving students an appropriate level of readiness to develop oty and professional mobility in tourism). The readiness for professional activity and professional mobility of tourism professionals is determined by the internal force that shapes the innovative position of the modern mobile specialist, is a prerequisite for effective labor activity, maximizing the realization of their opportunities, unlocking creative potential. Taking into account the psychological, theoretical and practical readiness components in the educational process of higher education institutions will contribute to the formation of future tourism specialists' readiness for professional activity and professional mobility. The professional competence formed is aimed at developing mobility in solving professional tasks in the field of tourism. Mobility formation is crucial for enriching the professional potential of future tourism professionals in the international labor market

Last modified: 2020-06-12 14:57:58