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Program of personal readiness development of teacher of post-diploma pedagogical education for activity in the conditions of change

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.11, No. 40)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 80-95

Keywords : personal readiness; teacher of postgraduate pedagogical education; development program; motivation; reflection of a professional activity.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article presents a program for the development of personal readiness of teachers of postgraduate pedagogical education institutions for professional activities in the context of social and educational changes. The program is formed by the results of the analysis of scientific, psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as using the author's own experience. The main four modules of the program are described, which are offered in the form of a special training course. Namely: the module “Motivational component of the teacher's personal readiness for activity in the face of changes”; module “Cognitive-operational component of the teacher's personal readiness in the face of change”; module “Emotionally-communicative component of the teacher's personal readiness in the face of change”; module “Reflective component of a teacher's personal readiness for activity in the conditions of changes”. The proposed modules are aimed at the development of certain components of personal readiness, namely: increasing the motivation for the development of personal readiness of a teacher; focus on obtaining knowledge and skills, mastering the skills of an effective response to scientific, technical, innovative and organizational changes; determination of a number of factors (external and internal) that affect the development of personal readiness during activities in the face of change; mobilization of internal forces, concentration, lapidarity in statements under the influence of stressful factors; reflection of teaching activities; the development of communicative techniques that will allow the teacher to constructively engage in dialogue with all participants in continuing education courses, regardless of the age characteristics and experience of participants in the courses, and other equally important practical tasks. Each module can be applied separately from others, developing one or another important component of personal development. Prospects of research in the context of implementation of the program in practice of postgraduate education and verification of its effectiveness are outlined.

Last modified: 2020-06-12 17:09:52