Effects of an Aerobic Physical Exercise Program on Blood Glucose Levels in Type-2 Diabetic Subjects, Associated with Pharmacotherapy and Diet Therapy
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (Vol.7, No. 7)Publication Date: 2020-07-10
Authors : Helio Franklin Rodrigues de Almeida Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto Fátima Maia Queiroga José Arilson de Souza Carlos Alberto Paraguassú-Chaves Jonatas de França Barros;
Page : 27-35
Keywords : Diabetes Melitus; Glycemic Index; Physical Exercise.;
The objective of this study was to investigate the changes caused by an aerobic exercise program, scientifically methodized, in the glycemic values of individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Melitus (DMT2), initiating pharmacological treatment and diet therapy.The sample consisted of 39 sedentary subjects, of both sexes and with DMT2, who formed 2 study groups: a) An Experimental Group (EG), composed of 22 individuals who during the experiment were regularly submitted to the exercise program physical (Age: 58.2 ± 9.42; Body weight: 75.2 ± 5.99; Height: 170.7 ± 5.93); and b) A Control Group (CG), composed of 17 subjects also with the same criteria, who did not undergo any physical exercise routine during the study (Age: 51.2 ± 7.30; Body weight: 69.9 ± 5.53; Height: 164.5 ± 7.85).The experiment lasted 8 weeks in which the SG was submitted to aerobic physical exercises controlled by the perceived effort index, during which 3 weekly training sessions were performed, each lasting 60 minutes and performed on alternate days (2nd, 4th and 6th) between 06:00 and 07:30 in the morning. The measurement of the glycemic index (GI) was performed individually and fasting, using the Flash Glucose Monitoring System, brand "FreeStyle Libre", with the data collection taking place immediately after the end of the training session. In the analysis of the results, descriptive statistics were performed to characterize the sample, and subsequently, to find significant differences in the scores related to the physical characteristics of the SG and CG, the Student “t” test was applied for independent samples, and finally, in order to compare the IG values of the groups studied between the pre and post-tests, the Student's “t” test was used for dependent samples. At the end of the experiment, it was found that the GI scores of the subjects composing the SG and CG showed a level of statistical significance of p <0.05, with the average value of the IG in the SG being reduced by 29.53 mg / dl and the of the GC decreasing only 14.67 mg / dl. These scores represent a percentage variation of 20.52% in the SG and 11.41% in the CG, indicating between the pre and post-test more significant improvements in the SG of the SG, and thus suggesting that an aerobic physical exercise program, built scientific basis, can be a valuable complementary tool in non-pharmacological therapy for DMT2. Student's “t” test was used for dependent samples. At the end of the experiment, it was found that the GI scores of the subjects composing the SG and CG showed a level of statistical significance of p <0.05, with the average value of the IG in the SG being reduced by 29.53 mg / dl and the of the GC decreasing only 14.67 mg / dl. These scores represent a percentage variation of 20.52% in the SG and 11.41% in the CG, indicating between the pre and post-test more significant improvements in the SG of the SG, and thus suggesting that an aerobic physical exercise program, built scientific basis, can be a valuable complementary tool in non-pharmacological therapy for DMT2. Student's “t” test was used for dependent samples. At the end of the experiment, it was found that the GI scores of the subjects composing the SG and CG showed a level of statistical significance of p <0.05, with the average value of the IG in the SG being reduced by 29.53 mg / dl and the of the GC decreasing only 14.67 mg / dl. These scores represent a percentage variation of 20.52% in the SG and 11.41% in the CG, indicating between the pre and post-test more significant improvements in the SG of the SG, and thus suggesting that an aerobic physical exercise program, built scientific basis, can be a valuable complementary tool in non-pharmacological therapy for DMT2.
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Last modified: 2020-07-12 15:32:39