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Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research (Vol.8, No. 8)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 945-951

Keywords : Management Administration Policy Cloud-Infrastructure Psychological Constructs NEP-2020;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


An unprecedented pandemic which broke through malevolent vents to lockdown the planet, has gradually crept like a devil into our daily chores and livelihoods. It has compelled us to adopt a new normal of masking, sanitizing, distancing, shielding and ultimately, digitizing work. Digital India - Power to Empower is the wherewithal. Education sector had already taken such empowering steps forward. Faculties and resource persons conduct FDPs to upgrade teachers with appropriate psychological constructs. If its a stopgap digitization vis-à-vis screen-time and seemingly incorrigible internet habits, lets, on the contrary, empower it further (as Plan-B) unto zSpace of augmented and virtual reality because attitudes are changing - misinformed educational content is being speedily replaced with high quality content, assignments, tests and evaluations as teachers have stepped in. A deliberate question was asked to students: Draft dialogues between you and your friend while discussing about the benefits of On-line classes. The responses retold that learning was pleasant due to comfort zone of time, distance and asynchronous learning. Limitations were screen-time and connectivity. A recent survey result published by MHRD, in “Students Learning Enhancement Guidelines”, enlightens us that majority of the states are developing coherent and pleasant learning culture through online classes, and majority of the stakeholders find it joyful. Planners are reducing digital-divides as well as voids between immigrants and aspirant natives. All children must learn. A child-centered Samagra Shiksha, focusing on two Ts - Teacher & Technology, must cater to child-specific needs and choices to achieve SDGs 4.1 & 4.5 well before 2030. The new-tech web 2.0 tools must usher in to achieve the expected learning outcomes pending since Kothari Commission and to salvage public, private and government schools / Boards from academic inequalities. With technology-driven, limited centralization to realize federalism, a unique diversity can be uniquely stacked.

Last modified: 2020-09-26 18:49:41