Designing Hydel Power Generation Capacity using a Mini/Micro Hydro Power Plant at Left Bank Outfall Drain Drainage System, near Goth Ahori, Jhuddo, Sindh
Journal: Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (Vol.39, No. 3)Publication Date: 2020-07-01
Authors : Amjad Ali; Fahad Saleem Baig; Abdul Hameed Memon;
Page : 554-563
Keywords : Hydel Power; Power Generation; and Energy Crises.;
Energy is considered as a vital sign of any country. The energy resource of any country is governed by their owned resources either through fossiliferous or alternative/renewable energy reserves. Due to depleting reserves of fossil fuel, countries including Pakistan are now focusing and converting themselves on renewable energy sources. Out of the different renewable sources, Hydel Power is among those indigenous sources which are considered as cheap, efficient and environmentally friendly. Pakistan is among those countries, which have the largest irrigation system which portrays a huge hydel potential within it. Government of Pakistan has also identified different potential sites where Hydel Energy can be obtained. However, apart from the recognized potential sites, there are still many streams/canals/ drains that can also be studied for their hydro potential and estimated generation capacity using mini/micro hydropower plant. Different studies have been carried out in calculating the energy potential of canals. In this paper, Hydropower Potential (HPP) of a Drainage System that is Left Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD), at Sindh has been calculated using field-based data parameters such as hydraulic depth, the width of the canal and flow velocity. Other studies were also reviewed for data collection. Based on the calculated HPP, five types of turbines with their benefits have been identified and proposed. This study concludes that different locations of LBOD can be considered for setting up a micro hydropower plant; however, a vertical head through extended penstock or weir needs to be considered for an effective hydropotential.
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Last modified: 2020-11-15 02:45:43