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Empirical study of the interrelation between the stereotypical image of the profession of psychologists with the manifestation of reflection of students psychologists

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.14, No. 43)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 51-67

Keywords : stereotypes; stereotypical image of the profession; reflection; students’ professional development; individual professional identity; professionalization.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The results of an empirical study of the interrelation between the stereotypical image of the profession of psychologist with the manifestation of reflection at different stages of students' professionalization are analyzed in the article. The respondents' sample is characterized, the quantitative and qualitative analyses of the results of the experiment ascertaining stage are presented. It deals with the influence of professional stereotypes and reflections on the psychologist students' professional identity at different levels of professionalization. A comparative analysis between the components of professional stereotypes of the psychologist profession image and the level of reflection development among students at different levels of their professionalizationhas been carried out. An empirical fact regarding the absence of a linear relationship between the components of professional stereotypes and the level of reflection development among students at different levels of their professionalization has been established. Psychological portraits of respondents with different types of interaction of stereotyping and reflection mechanisms are formed with the subsequent carrying out of the statistical inference using the Mann-Whitney U test for discretionary samples. As a result of comparative analysis, it was found out that at different levels of students' professionalization, compliance with the stereotypical image of the profession of psychologist increases significantly. It is connected with the significant content and complexity of the profession stereotypical image content, which occurs due to the overload of the stereotypes components during professional training at university. It is proved that the average reflection ranks of students of the initial professionalization level are lower than the average reflection ranks of students of the basic professionalization level. Statistically significant differences between the profession of psychologist stereotypes components and the reflection components at different professionalization stages of students psychologist have been established.

Last modified: 2021-01-11 19:13:05