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Sustainable Development: Factors Influencing Public Intention towards Vertical Farming in China and Moderating Role of Awareness

Journal: Journal of Social and Political Sciences (Vol.4, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 93-103

Keywords : Vertical Farming; Environmental Concern; Food Safety Concern; Awareness; Public Intention;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Vertical farming brings an innovation in agriculture sector by improving production of food in optimized space within controlled environment without wastage of natural resources by using an automated technological system. It acquiring prominence around the world however incapable to accomplish goals, reason was lack of awareness, lack of public intention and participation towards vertical farming. This study filled the gap in prior literature and adding more creativity to influence public intention. The research used TPB to investigate the factors influencing public intention toward vertical farming and a moderating role of awareness. Data collected from Chinese consumers by convenience sampling technique, total 335 responses obtained and analyzed by using Structural Equation Model. The result of the study demonstrated that food safety and environmental concern are the best predictors of public intention towards vertical farming. Further awareness significantly strengthened the relationship between food safety concern and public intention. In the conclusion, study proposed appropriate recommendations to local government, stakeholders, urban planners, and food companies for the best practices to facilitate the successful implementation of vertical farming as sustainable for environment and health, which is also profitable business as public intention concurs.

Last modified: 2021-01-30 22:47:32