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Occupational Risks, Safety and Well Being among Anesthesiologists

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.10, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 1522-1528

Keywords : risks; hazards; Occupational stress;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Anaesthesiologists experience high levels of occupational fatigue, burnout syndrome, chemical dependency, mental depression, suicidal ideation and various other physical and mental stress related disorders. Amidst the real needs of patients and the indifference of the managers, the anesthesiologist attempts to search for some solutions to mitigate daily difficulties. There is a need, therefore, to recognise and then deal with these stressors and their adverse effects. Anesthesiologists worldwide need to come together to raise the profile of their wellbeing by identifying and sharing approaches to combat occupational fatigue, stress or anxiety at work. Organizational, professional, and personal interventions can dramatically enhance the health and well-being of anesthesiologists and reduce their stress levels and demotivation. Burnout is a severe problem affecting medical personnel and healthcare organizations. Burnout has many consequences for the individual including physical illness, increased feelings of hopelessness, irritability, impatience, and poor interpersonal relationships with family / coworkers / patients. In severe cases, burnout can cause diminished executive functioning, attention, and memory. Burnout can be assessed for severity and cause, and remedied by individual intervention and organizational changes. Addressing the issue of burnout, can help increase personal wellness, and improve patient safety, satisfaction, and quality of care. (1)

Last modified: 2021-06-26 18:30:12