Control System Design in Production Machines Paving Block Made from Plastic Waste
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.7, No. 10)Publication Date: 2018-10-05
Authors : M. Hariansyah; Abdul Karim Halim; M. Lutfi;
Page : 1444-1449
Keywords : Control System; Production Machine; Paving Block; Plastic Waste;
Garbage has not been handled properly, even waste is a national problem. Campus Ibn Khaldun University of Bogor in 2016 recorded as much as 12 m3 / day, resulting from canteen trash and office waste. Trash consists of type, organic and inorganic. This type of inorganic waste takes up to 450 years to break down naturally. Trash is considered as a source of diseases and disasters, such as air pollution, water, the environment until the occurrence of landslides caused by piles of garbage. One effort to overcome the waste of an organic (plastic bag crackle) is to create a production machine that can change the form of waste into paving blocks. The objectives and usefulness of the research are (a) to produce control system design in production machine to manage plastic waste into paving block, (b) obtain plastic heating time response in tube and response time of pressure in tube. The method is done by planning the form of technology and system control applied. as well as production machine capacity. The process control system uses temperature sensors and pressure sensors that can convert analog signals into digital 4-20 mA and forwarded to PLC (Program Logic Control). Temperature inside tube at setting 200 oC, and Pressure 2 bar. If the temperature set point Tgreater than 200 oC, then the PLC will order the relay to stop the supply voltage through the contactor. So also with pressure if set point P greater than 2 bar then control valve immediately opened until pressure in tube remain stable. The result of the design of high-heating tube of 50 cm, diameter 30 cm capable of producing 1 kg plastic produce 2 units of paving block (5x10x25) cm, with compressive strength reach 235 kg / cm2.
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Last modified: 2021-06-28 20:15:55