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Designing a pre-intermediate outside-university course of English for adults

Journal: Scientific review, Науковий огляд, Научное обозрение (Vol.10, No. 9)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 117-125

Keywords : learning English at the pre-intermediate level; teaching English to adults who learn it outside university language programs; communicative-analytical approach; parallel teaching of both written and oral communication;

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The article discusses a many-year-long experience of designing and using a pre-intermediate course of English when teaching it to adults who have previously finished an introductory (preparatory) course of that language and a beginner’s course of oral everyday communication. The course is aimed at learners’ acquisition of English at B1 level and designed for all those who desire to acquire it outside university language programs ? for instance, in different kinds of commercial language courses. The developed course is structured on the basis of communicative-analytical approach with dominance of communicative learning activities and on the basis of parallel teaching of both written and oral communication, with oral communication prevailing.

Last modified: 2015-01-09 04:43:20