Exhaust Emission Control by Using Coppler Plate and Ammonia Solution
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.6, No. 2)Publication Date: 2017-02-05
Authors : Yogeshwar Dabriya; Chetan Chaudhari;
Page : 1651-1655
Keywords : Intake air flow; Exhaust air flow; Pressure drop; Space velocity;
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As we all know the numbers of vehicles are increasing at a very fast rate therefore causing great increase in environmental pollution which needs to be controlled. For reducing this pollution government has given norms and vehicular standards. Various companies also introduce different technologies for reducing the pollutants. Similarly, the step towards for creating the eco-friendly vehicle, we have worked on new technique that can be used in automobiles. Environmental pollution control using catalytic converter is most common and effective, which is widely used in automobiles. Catalytic converter typically consists of a ceramic or metal honeycombed monolith substrate carries precious metal catalysts. As the exhaust passes over the catalyst the harmful pollutants get converted into harmless gases by promoting chemical reactions, but catalytic converter method is higher in cost and hence we have worked on optional technique. In a selective non-catalytic reduction technique we have used copper plate and ammonia solution. The experiment is carried out on four stroke single cylinder petrol engine. For the reduction measurement we have used PUC testing machine authorized by State Government. By this catalytic converter it is found that CO reduced by 63 % and HC by 50 % at ideal condition.
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Last modified: 2021-06-30 17:48:27