Security Based Phishing Website Detection
Journal: International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing - IJCSMC (Vol.2, No. 4)Publication Date: 2013-04-15
Authors : Yalavarthi Ravi Theja R. Krishnaveni;
Page : 523-527
Keywords : Hashing Algorithm; Phishing Detection; Java Short Messages; GSM; Web Security;
Now-a-days most of the people were familiar with the internet and its applications. Along with the internet usage, the attacks also increased. Phishing is the one the most possible attacks in internet and through this the Phisher will get the confidential information like passwords. In this model, MD5 algorithm is used to hash the password. A session key will be send to the authorized person’s mobile to perform further transactions. These techniques increase the security levels. The proposed system provides the protection against normal phishing and the In-session phishing using URL checking and session key respectively. According to the report on phishing attacks-2012, India stud in 3rd position all over the world. US was in 1st position and UK was in 2 nd position. In India most of the phishing attacks concentrate only on banking sectors. The proposed system was mainly concentrate on banking sector only. The proposed system gives the best results over the existing system.
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Last modified: 2013-05-02 17:25:26