Feto Maternal out Come in Programmed Labour Protocol
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.10, No. 6)Publication Date: 2021-06-05
Authors : Ravi Karad; Vijaya Harsoor; Amrutha A V;
Page : 1307-1311
Keywords : Labour Analgesia; Primigravida; Pentazocine; Tramadol; Diazepam;
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Background: Labour pain is among the maximum excruciating pain experienced by all women. Labour pain impacts maternal psychology and course of labour causing apprehension, tension, and strain. Pain relief throughout labour is predicted to lessen maternal strain and improve maternal and perinatal outcome. Many Nonpharmacological & Pharmacological methods of pain relief available. In this study we are comparing efficacy & safety of Paracetamol & Tramadol as labour analgesics. Objective: To analyse the outcome of Programmed labour protocol vs expectant management of labour with respect to 1) Mean rate of cervical dilatation. 2) Mean duration of first, second, third stage of labour. 3) Pain relief in labour. 4) Mode of Delivery. 5) APGAR scores at 1min and 5min. Methods: All women admitted in the labour room, meeting the inclusion criteria and willing to participate in study are categorized into group A and group B. Programmed labor group(A) and expectant group. (B). The study group A includes primigravida at term in active phase. Admitted in labor who will receive Programmed labor protocol. And group B will be managed expectantly. After obtaining informed consent all women willing to participate will be examined according to protocol. Results: In our study both the groups were comparable in relation to age, gestational weeks and cervical dilatation. Most common mode of delivery was vaginal in both the groups. Duration of first stage of labour and second stage of labour is significantly reduced compared to control group. Pain relief scoring in study group moderate to complete pain relief is 85.7%. Mean cervical dilatation among the study group was 2 cm/hour which is higher compared to the control group (1 cm/hour). In study group- 11.5% underwent LSCS which is lesser compared to the control group (15.5%). All the babies had Apgar score of 7-9 at one and five minutes. 4babies in the control group had Apgar score of six at one minute and on resuscitation, they had Apgar score of 8-9 at 5 minutes. Mean Apgar of the babies at one and five minutes in both the groups were comparable. Conclusion: Programmed labor is an easier, safer means for ensuring less painful delivery. It reduces the duration of the labour without serious maternal and neonatal side effects. Pain relief is effective with minimal maternal side effects due to the drugs used. Labour and childbirth are cherished by the mother and her family. It can be adapted safely in all Maternity hospitals in low risk gravid woman.
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Last modified: 2021-07-05 13:46:22