On Certain Topological Structures of Normed Space Valued Generalized Orlicz Function Space
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) (Vol.2, No. 1)Publication Date: 2014-01-05
Authors : Narayan Prasad Pahari;
Page : 61-66
Keywords : Orlicz function; Orlicz Space; Normed Space; Solid space;
- On Certain Topological Structures of Normed Space Valued Generalized Orlicz Function Space
- On Normed Space Valued Paranormed Orlicz Space of Bounded Functions and Its Topological Structures
- Menger probabilistic normed space is a category topological vector space
- Essential Norm of the Generalized Integration Operator from Zygmund Space into Weighted Dirichlet Type Space
- On P-p-Connected Space in a Topological Space
The aim of this paper is to introduce and study a new class ?? (S, (T, ||. ||), ?, u) of normed space valued function space using Orlicz function ? as a generalization of well known basic bounded sequence space ????studied in functional analysis. Besides the investigation of linear space structure of the class ?? (S, (T, ||. ||), ?, u), our primarily interest is to explore the conditions pertaining to the containment relation of the class ?? (S, (T, ||. ||), ?, u) in terms of different values of u??
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Last modified: 2021-07-08 15:06:06