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A Study for Remedial Measures of Improper Temperature Indication System Used in IC Engines to Minimize Engine Losses

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) (Vol.2, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 5-9

Keywords : Car; Cooling system; Engine losses; Overheating; Temperature indication;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The study is based on the proper maintenance and working of I.C engine used in passenger cars. During the study of car cooling system, it is found that due to improper temperature indication system adopted in passenger car in India, there will be overheating in the engine, which leads to engine losses. Another major problem is that, overheating of engine is not detected quickly enough by the cooling system. The temperature meter shows the normal temperature of engine for fairly long duration, although the engine is overheated. Thus driver keeps on running the vehicle in overheated condition and could not judge the overheating merely by looking at temperature meter. The indication he gets regarding overheating are confusing and judgmental only. He has to judge the problem in cooling system on his own. And will run the engine for a quite period of time in heated condition which leads to engine loss. In today?s scenario, the design of any system is done keeping user friendliness in mind such that the working must be convenient and at the same time it must be design out maintenance, which strives to eliminate or at least minimize the need of maintenance. This study focuses on present customer unfriendly temperature indication system and attempts to modify to reduce engine loss and lost engine life. For this the system is to be studied in detail and points of modification to reduce engine-losses are to be detected and suggested. Various steps are followed to achieve the above objectives like study of cooling system of I.C. engine of car, tracing of faults, methods of rectification of faults, suggestions for few modifications and feasibility test. The suggestions for modifications if followed will improve the engine life and hence make the system customers friendly.

Last modified: 2021-07-08 15:12:43