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Journal: International scientific journal "Internauka." Series: "Economic Sciences" (Vol.1, No. 54)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 74-80

Keywords : advertising; advertising message; communication; trademark; brand; market;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of the formation of advertising creativity in the poultry industry, reveals the essence of the concept of «advertising creative», analyzes the advertising campaigns of the industry leader — TM «Nasha Ryaba», defined the basic techniques, technologies, methods and factors for the development of an effective advertising creative for promoting the products of the poultry branch. According to the research, creative in advertising is the use of creative ideas and technologies to achieve the entrepreneurial goals of advertising, which impose certain restrictions on advertising creativity, directing it to the transmission of specific information. When developing an advertising creative to promote poultry products, it is advisable to appeal to perceptions and feelings and stimulate trial purchases. The main factors that need to be taken into account to increase the effectiveness of advertising communications of producers of eggs and poultry meat: the creative should reflect the difference between the advertised product and competitors' products, including due to its special quality parameters; it is important to show the convenience of product use, its freshness, usefulness, variety, high taste characteristics, unique production technologies; you need to communicate with your consumers by setting up a sale through network resources; if the product is a local manufacturer, then the consumer should be able to understand this; products in advertising creative should look attractive, appetizing, encourage approbation by their appearance, color, packaging, stimulating sensory sensations; the consumer should be aware of the company's environmental and social responsibility. When developing an advertising creative for promoting poultry products, traditional methods are acceptable: hyperbole, comparison, metonymy, associations, the focal objects method, synectics, and the like. A characteristic feature of the creative name in the poultry industry is the corresponding association with the product. Advertising campaigns of PJSC «Myronivsky Hliboproduct» reflect most of the factors of successful advertising creativity. They not only actively promote a specific brand of poultry meat, but often have other, more global goals — product propaganda, competitive confrontation, and the fight against prejudices regarding the quality of poultry meat grown in industrial conditions.

Last modified: 2022-01-12 19:21:31