Integrated Pest Management of Crops in India
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.10, No. 9)Publication Date: 2021-09-05
Authors : Pallapothula Devi Akilandeshwari;
Page : 760-763
Keywords : Integrated pest management (IPM); Insecticides; Pesticides; Trap Crops;
India is an agricultural country. There are different varieties of crops grown in India, like rice, wheat, pulses, several cash crops, different types of fruits and vegetables. Pests are those organisms that cause damage to the crops thereby decreasing the yield. Pests can damage the crops either directly by feeding on the plant tissue that leads to growth retardation in crop plants or indirectly by allowing various viral and bacterial infections. To manage the crop pest interactions, to prevent the loss of yield, to control the use of pesticides, and to conserve the environment, INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) strategy was used.
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Last modified: 2022-02-15 18:43:29