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Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) (Vol.9, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 281-290

Keywords : Power system; power system fault; relay; Faults; Generator acceleration; Symmetrical faults; Asymmetrical faults;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Power systems' stability and long-term viability was hampered by faults. Power device failures cannot be completely removed, but they may be minimised or prevented from occurring often. This paper discusses the different forms of power system faults, such as symmetric and asymmetric faults, their impact on power system stability, how to locate faults accurately and quickly, and how to reduce the effects on power systems. Faults are characterised as the passage of a large current along an incorrect direction, which may result in significant equipment loss, power outages, personal injury, or death. Furthermore, the voltage level can fluctuate, which may impact machinery insulation in the case of a rise or trigger equipment start-up failure if the voltage falls below a certain threshold. As a consequence, the device neutral's electrical potential differential would improve. Through regular operation, current can pass through all components of the electrical power system at predetermined levels that are suitable for the grades of these elements. Calculating the device voltages and currents in regular and irregular conditions may be used to analyse every power system. A power device fault is an unexpected situation that disrupts the system's integrity and allows a large amount of current to pass through the machinery. The triggers, consequences, and methods for overcoming power device faults will be addressed in this article.

Last modified: 2022-03-09 21:47:41