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İkinci Meşrutiyet Türkçülüğünün İdeolojik ve Politik Boyutları

Journal: Yakın Dönem Türkiye Araştırmaları/Recent Period Turkish Studies (Vol.2, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 15-47

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Pan-Ottomanism, which was the official ideology of the Ottoman State, could not be able to survive the very foundations of the Sublime State. Despite that the State introduced new laws and regulations abolishing the fundemental Islamic core of status quo, which set apart whole society into two broad cate-gory, namely muslims (millet-i hakime) and non-believers (millet-i mahkume). This two broad categories historically was not equal to one another. The Tanzimat era tried to consolidate the structure of political body, introducing modern law in vain. No political solution could settle the rising nationalist waves of the Ottoman subordinates. As a matter of fact Ottomanism was nothing but a weak political instrument to block the centrifugal tendencies. In the long run, along with other nationalist activities, Turkish nationalism was also a nineteenth century product amongst other ideologies, competing with the other challenging seperatist movements of the Balkans which enflamed with Pan-Slavist activities. In short, Turkish nationalism had a moderate tune decorated wih mostly cultural elements instead of clear-cut political destinations. Then became the dominant political action of second constitutional period, inspiring a full-fledged Turkreich.

Last modified: 2022-04-13 18:23:18