وظائف الإعلام الجديد؛ ما مدى الانحراف عن التقليد؟
Journal: REVUE DES LETTRES ET SCIENCES SOCIALES (Vol.19, No. 01)Publication Date: 2022-05-04
Authors : كبور منال;
Page : 41-55
Keywords : الإعلام الجديد; الإعلام التقليدي; عناصر العملية الإعلامية; الوظائف الفردية; الوظائف المجتمعية;
The current study investigates the realized functions by the new media at the individual and the social level and its relation with the traditional media functions in terms of interference and separation. Besides the elements of the media process because investigating the media functions needs researching its elements, exactly, knowing the nature of the receiver user between the positivity and negativity. The results have revealed that the functions of the (new and traditional) media are socially intertwined and individually separated, and the new media user has many characteristics of the mass community as defined by the Direct Effects Model
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Last modified: 2022-05-05 18:19:16