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Journal: The Journal CONTEMPORARY ECONOMY (Vol.5, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 18-26

Keywords : bank; banking agency; branch closures; digital economy.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


For many banks, the closure of agencies has been, in recent years, a coordinated development strategy, because their objectives are to reduce costs and the number of clients visiting their branch. The increase in alternative payment methods and decline in cash use means that there is little need to visit the bank for transactions. But people still like to visit a banking agency, though less frequently than usual and for other purposes. In today's digital age, in addition to virtual experiences, people also want physical experiences, and visiting a branch may be more appropriate for some clients and for certain services. Clients tend to visit an agency to learn more about banking products and services, such as mortgage loans or more complex investment products, such as pension plans, because they want to receive financial advice. Although most clients start the journey online to find the financial products they need, many of these trips are concluded and completed at the traditional banking agency. Thus, for many banks, the traditional branch remains a crucial point in the relationship with clients, the place of manifestation of its brand/image and all that it represents. Although branch closures have been a major issue in recent years, many banks - including new ones - are opening branches, while others are turning branches into counselling agencies. If the bank branch has outlived its usefulness, why do some banks open new ones while others retain theirs, even transformed. Banks that dispense with their branch networks could be endangering their future.

Last modified: 2022-12-27 21:38:43