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Formation of listening and speaking skills in high school students

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.23, No. 52)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 10-22

Keywords : listening comprehension; speaking; skills; communicative skills; student; teacher;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Systematic work should be carried out in schools for the formation of listening and speaking skills in students. In order to form a communicative culture in students, first of all, the philosophical meanings of the concept of culture and communicativeness should be widely understood by the students, as well as by the pedagogues involved in language teaching. The formation of any skill in language teaching should be considered not just as the realization of a standard, but as the development of the student's life skills. In order to form the listening and speaking skills of upper class students, teachers should have high culture in this field and should play the role of an example for the students. In order to form listening and speaking skills in high school students, systematic and consistent work and development of verbal communication in students is in the center of attention as an important issue. Research studies and analysis of high school textbooks have shown that listening and reading materials must be chosen correctly in order to develop communication skills in students, fiction should be widely used, students should be activated both in class and in daily social life in terms of communication, they should be able to think and react to the expressed opinion. In relation to the solution of the mentioned issues, students: • they should be in active communication conditions in Azerbaijani language classes and other classes every day; • should acquire the ability to express their thoughts orally and in writing; • should use the expressive possibilities of speech; • should show their personal opinion about the issue; • should be able to use Gestures and mimes on the spot; • should be able to use Context-appropriate speech tags, etc. In Azerbaijan, the formation of active communication is carried out with the use of artistic reading materials, monologues and dialogues in which speech tags are actively used, and the methodology of teaching practical writing skills. However, the lack of research in this field requires the expansion of the content of the work to be carried out on the formation of communication skills in Azerbaijani language classes, as well as in other classes and extracurricular activities, and the application of more active methods.

Last modified: 2023-03-06 20:44:28