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Project «Professional cluster of the manager (director) of the general education institution» in the context of the New Ukrainian school concept implementation

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.24, No. 53)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 101-122

Keywords : Manager (director) of the general education institution; professional competence; continuous professional development; Concept «New Ukrainian School»; cluster; social partnership; cluster approach; professional development;

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The article substantiates the urgency of the study of issues of professional development of managers (directors) of general education institutions, formation of the content of advanced training in the context of the introduction of competence approach in postgraduate education on the basis of the analysis of legal and professional sources. The views of modern scientists on new challenges in the functioning of the education system of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law and tendencies of professional development of teachers of the New Ukrainian School are revealed. The article analyses normative and legal acts and approaches of researchers to definition of essence of concepts «professional competence», «professional qualification», «professional standard», «project», «project activity», «virtual education space», «cluster», «professional development», «continuous professional development». The issue of introduction of collective author's virtual project «Professional cluster of the manager (director) of the general education institution» on the basis of theoretical analysis of the studied phenomenon of cluster mechanisms in education was covered as well as empirical methods of research of advantages of project approach in organization of teachers' professional development. Advantages of cluster approach in the organization of interaction of subjects of social partnership in the education, features of the author's scientific and pedagogical project and its prospects in the organization of professional development of managers (directors) of general education institutions in the context of the introduction of the state professional standard of the approved normative legal acts of the professional standard «Manager (director) of the general education institution», certification and institution audit of general schools.

Last modified: 2023-05-11 15:30:47