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Status and Eradication of Polio in Pakistan |Biomedgrid

Journal: American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research (Vol.9, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 394-396

Keywords : Poliomyelitis; Pakistan; Endemic; Eradication; Spinal cord;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Poliomyelitis is a highly endemic and fetal disease, which mainly act on children under five years of age initial to irreversible paralysis and possibly death. For decades, both private and government organizations have been putting trials through their partnership to eradicate polio entirely from the different parts of the globe and as a result of those trials are left with only three countries which are now polio endemic. Since Pakistan is one of those three countries which still remain polio endemic along with Nigeria and Afghanistan. Therefore, it is important to deal with this issue and work on the remedy to control the situations of such harmful disease.

Last modified: 2023-06-19 21:59:53