Pediatric Bithalamic Anaplastic Astrocytoma Followed by Distant Progression to Glioblastoma in the Region of Corpus Callosum |Biomedgrid
Journal: American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research (Vol.13, No. 5)Publication Date: 2021-07-23
Authors : Nemanja Jovanovic; Rosanda Ilic; Aleksandra Paunovic; Zarko Nedeljkovic; Filip Milisavljevic; Ivan Bogdanovic; Igor Lazic; Ivan Vukasinovic; Vuk Aleksic; Danica Grujicic;
Page : 523-527
Keywords : Bilateral Thalamic Tumors; Anaplastic Astrocytoma; Glioblastoma; Hemiparesis; Predominance;
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Primary bilateral thalamic tumors are extremely rare entity. We present a case of a 5-year-old child admitted with signs of raised intracranial pressure. Brain MRI showed huge bithalamic lesion with subsequent hydrocephalus. After ventriculo peritoneal shunt, direct operation was performed, and most of the right sided tumor mass was removed. Diagnosis was anaplastic astrocytoma. Although quarterly MRI did not show signs of tumor regrowth, twenty-one months after surgery child was referred to our department with acute consciousness deterioration, and hemorrhage in the region of the corpus callosum. After hematoma evacuation patient has recovered. Pathohistological examination showed glioblastoma, so after two weeks child was again operated, and gross tumor resection was performed. However, signs of leptomeningeal spread occurred, and patient died two months after the last operation.
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Last modified: 2023-10-03 21:55:52