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Journal: The Journal CONTEMPORARY ECONOMY (Vol.8, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 70-86

Keywords : crisis; banks; turbulence; credit.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


At the end of the first half of March 2023, the most important banking markets in developed countries began to show signs of crisis, with stock markets falling, three banks in the United States and one in Europe were declared bankrupt, and others from roughly the same geographical areas were saved. The fear of a new crisis, this time of a banking nature, and of a global contagion made the banking authorities, government representatives or important bankers react quickly, making available to financial intermediaries important funds, but also with statements to calm the markets. This communication addresses three issues. The first refers to the term crisis that the press, as well as specialists, have used to name these turbulences on the banking markets. The second problem addressed in the communication concerns the causes of the turbulences, and the third problem analyze the particularities of these turbulences, in relation to the banking crises of the recent past.

Last modified: 2024-02-12 04:38:38