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Solar Lights for Highways with Zone-Wise Speed Control System for Vehicle

Journal: International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (IJETER) (Vol.12, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 69-73

Keywords : 555 Timer; LDR; 89C2051 & 89C52 ATMEL Microcontrollers; TSOP 1738; LM 567 Tone Decoder; Relays; BC547 NPN Transistor; 7805 & 7815 Voltage Regulators;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The challenge of providing adequate lighting along highways, particularly at critical points such as sharp turns and speed breakers, poses significant safety concerns. Traditional energy sources often fail to meet the demands of continuous lighting, especially in remote areas. To tackle this challenge, we present an automatic lighting system aimed at selectively activating lights during nighttime while also reducing vehicle speed near or at danger zones. Entire system is designed as automatic, human involvement is not required; lights are controlled automatically by sensing the vehicles. Whenever the vehicle enters into the danger zone, lights will be energized and they remain in ON state until the vehicle leaves that area. The system will be activated automatically during dark. In this method precious energy acquired from the solar panel can be saved. During the day time the battery will be charged and this stored energy is utilized in the nights[10]. It is a novel approach to vehicle navigation and safety implementation, and also aimed at automatically sensing the areas/zones like Schools, Hospital Accident, etc and automatically reducing the speed of the vehicle for safety purposes

Last modified: 2024-05-21 19:52:26