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The model of Brain Neurodegeneration based on Plykin - Newhouse attractor with Sinusoidal Force |Biomedgrid

Journal: American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research (Vol.17, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 35-40

Keywords : Neurodegeneration; Neurons; Chaotic dynamic; The attractor of the Plykin - Newhouse; Periodic sinusoidal electro-stimulation;

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A nonlinear dynamic model on a spherical surface is considered, which generates the Plikin-Newhouse attractor. The influence of an external sinusoidal action on the system is studied, the time dependences of dynamic quantities and phase trajectories are obtained for various amplitudes of the external action. The results obtained show that the distribution of the density of phase trajectories is close to the typical distribution of neuronal activity in the brain. With an increase in the amplitude of exposure, the distribution evolves from a distribution typical of a healthy brain to a distribution characteristic of neuronal degeneration.

Last modified: 2024-05-22 21:52:41