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Journal: Current Fire Safety Issues (Vol.20, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 26-32

Keywords : high-temperature thermal fire detector; inertia of thermal fire detector; response temperature; maximum normal temperature; conditionally normal temperature; resistance to elevated temperatures;

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The article discusses the features of tests to determine the response temperature, inertia and resistance to elevated temperatures of thermal fire detectors with response temperature over 160 ºС, that is, belonging to class H according to GOST 34698–2020 “Fire Detectors. General technical requirements. Test methods”. It is noted that tests to determine the resistance of high-temperature fire detectors to elevated temperatures should be carried out in two stages, since such detectors, as a rule, are two-component, consisting of a sensitive element and a processing unit. These components have different elevated temperature limits, indicated in the technical documentation for specific types of detectors, at which their functionality remains intact. It was concluded that it is necessary to amend the current edition of GOST 34698–2020.

Last modified: 2024-05-23 21:51:44