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Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research (Vol.12, No. 05)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 1264-1269

Keywords : Inclusive Education NEP 2020 Quality Education Inclusiveness Progressive Higher Inclusive Education Special Education;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Inclusive education refers to the rights of children and their parent to access the main stream education in which the childrens needs and the parents wants is satisfied. IE is a new approach of educating the differently abled children with the normal ones under the same roof. Inclusive education is a recognition that learners have diverse abilities and interests, and that they come from diverse ethnic and social backgrounds.In inclusive classrooms we can see students of different learning styles, talents, powers and ability levels.It embrace a wide panel of multi-talented students including ordinary learners, students with disabilities like physically handicapped, mentally retarded, multiple disorders, visual and hearing problems, transgender etc. Provision of Inclusive Education involving studies with disabilities based on the belief that those with disabilities should not have to depend on specialized services alone, to benefit from educational resources activities and practices that are otherwise available to all. Inclusive education can therefore be simply defined as Education that Fits. In other words, education must fit the diversity of learners we find (or should find) in every school, in every classroom, in every country. Expressed another way, an inclusive school is A School for everyone. Many educational institutions have made an attempt towards inclusion in education and studies proved that it led to great improvement in educational quality index. Inclusive Education implies all young learners, young people - with or without disabilities being able to learn together through access common pre-school and schools with an appropriate network of support services.

Last modified: 2024-06-25 20:04:08