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Antoniny-Zozulenets inbred type of Ukrainian carp breeds as a prospective link of aquaculture in the Prykarpattia (Ciscarpathia)

Journal: Fisheries Science of Ukraine (Vol.69, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 94-109

Keywords : inbred type; crossbreeds; pure lines; weight; survival rate; growth rate; winter hardiness; age-0+ fish; fish productivity;

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Purpose.To characterize the productive and biological features of the first generation crossbreed carp from the crossbreeding of Antoniny-Zozulenets, Galician and Lyubin inbred types of Ukrainian framed and scaly breeds adapted to cultivation in the conditions of Polissiya. Methodology. The study was conducted at the Lviv Research Station of the Institute of Fisheries of the National Academy of Sciences. The material for the study was crossbred age-0+ and age-1 carps obtained from brood Lyubin (LSC), Galician (GFC) and Antoniny-Zozulenets carps obtained by natural spawning in ponds, according to the following scheme: ♀LSC×♂LSC; ♀LSC×♂AZFC; ♀AZSC×♂LSC; ♀AZFC×♂GFC. The brood stock was kept according to the instructions in the carp breeding. Studies of productive and biological parameters were carried out according to the common methods in fish farming and ichthyology. The heterosis effect for the main productive parameters was calculated by the excess of the corresponding parameter in the crossbreed group over the parameter of the original maternal line. Feeding of age-0+ fish was carried out with ground grain starting from the second decade of July. Winter hardiness of crossbred and pure lines was evaluated by absolute and relative loss of body weight and survival rate. The data obtained in the experiments was subjected to statistical processing in MS Excel (2016). The criteria for the analysis of parameters were their average value and standard error (M±m). Findings. The study showed that the survival rate of purebred age-0+ carps was 52.4%, with an average weight of 26.79±1.83 g. The yield of crossbred age-0+ fish grown in nursery ponds was 51.3%, but their average weight was the highest — 33.97±4.49 g. The yield of age-0+ fish obtained from crossing ♀AZFC×♂GFC grown in concrete ponds was 55.4% and was the highest among all experimental groups. The survival rate of age-0+ fish obtained from crossing ♀AZSC×♂LSC was 53.1%. The individual average weights of age-10+ carps grown in concrete ponds were close and amounted to 15.39±2.01 and 16.45±1.30 g, respectively, according to the experimental groups. Fish productivity in concrete ponds was 255.8 and 261.9 kg/ha. The analysis of wintering showed that the yield from the wintering of age-1 LSC and cross-breeding group ♀LSC×♂AZFC was 81.7% and 76.0%, with higher values of the yield of purebred scaly age-1 fish. At the same time, they also had a lower rate, almost 2% weight loss during the winter — 8.9% versus 10.8% in crossbred framed age-1 fish. Age-1 fish of crossbred groups, which were obtained from Antoniny-Zozulenetsk carp females, had a survival rate of 51.3–55.5% with a weight loss of 12.9–13.1%. Originality. For the first time, the advantages and biological parameters of crossbred groups and individual types of carp from the combination of different structural units, namely Antoniny-Zozulenetsk, Lyubin and Galician inbred types of carps were obtained and studied. Therefore, scientific studies aimed at finding optimal combinations of productive traits of carp, by crossing fish of various structural units not only with desired traits, but also with maximally different genetic characteristics, is particularly important. Practical Value. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the use of industrial crossing in modern fish farming practice. Taking into account the belonging of each inbred type to ecological and geographical conditions, when crossing breeds of different geographical origins, an increase in the effect of heterosis is observed. Industrial hybridization and its high efficiency in pond fish farming due to the use of heterosis plays an important role in increasing the fish productivity of pond farms.

Last modified: 2024-10-13 02:32:33