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Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research (Vol.12, No. 09)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 580-586

Keywords : Amniotic Fluid Index Oligohydramnios Fetal Distress Congenital Anamoly;

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Background: Amniotic fluid provides a protected milieu for growing fetus, cushioning the fetus against mechanical and biological injury. It also supplies nutrients and facilitates growth and movement.Oligohydramnios is defined as Amniotic fluid index (AFI) less than 5 cm, or deep vertical pocket < 21. It occurs in 1–5% pregnancies at term, with the incidence increasing in postdate pregnancies to 11%.2 Maternal conditions associated with decreased AFV ( amniotic fluid volume)include post-dated pregnancy, preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), hypertension, autoimmune disorders and maternal medication like prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors. Fetal factors: Which influence AFV are essentially related to fetal growth (intrauterine growth restriction) and fetal anomalies, particularly of the renal tract. The most commonly associated renal anomalies with oligohydramnios include bilateral renal agenesis, multicystic dysplastic kidneys, bladder outlet obstruction and infantile polycystic kidney disease.The aim of this study is to evaluate the etiological risk factors of oligohydramnios and to know the clinical significance and mode of delivery and maternal and perinatal outcome. Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted on 100 cases in Basaveshwar Medical and Teaching Hospital attached to MahadevappaRampure Medical college, Kalaburagi from 1-8-2023 to 1-6-2024.All cases coming to Basaveshwar medical and teaching hospital with oligohydramnios were included in the study after fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria Results: Of the 100 cases in the present study,40 cases were in 25-30 years accounting for 40% of cases with maximum number of cases in this age group.56 cases were primigravida accounting for 56% of cases with majority of cases being primigravida and 44 cases were multigravida accounting for 44% of cases.The number of cases with preterm rupture of membranes were 21 ( 21%), cases with Intra uterine growth restriction were 15 (15%). 6 cases (6%) had congenital anamolies. The number of cases withpost dated pregnancy were 22 (22%), Pregnancy induced hypertension cases were 28 (28%). Cases with autoimmune diseases were 1 (1%) and 7 cases (7%) were idiopathic.The most important cause for oligohydramnios was pregnancy induced hypertension and post-dated pregnancy. 13 of the cases had spontaneous onset of labouri.e 13% cases, 28 cases (28%) were induced and 59 cases underwent cesarean section accounting for 59% of all cases.In the present study, total of 19 cases underwent cesarean section because of fetal distress accounting for 19% of cases with the most common indication for cesarean section.11 cases (11%) underwent LSCS due to IUGR, ,4 cases (4%) underwent cesarean section because of non-progression of labour, 2 cases(2%) underwent LSCS because of malpresentation/malposition, 9 cases (9%) had cephalopelvic disproportion, 2 cases (2%) refused for induction of labour and 12 cases (12%) were previous LSCS.Among the 100 cases studied ,there were 8 cases (8%) with meconium aspiration syndrome, 5 cases (5%) had respiratory distress, 6 cases (6%) had low birth weight, 6 cases (6%) with congenital anomalies, 21 cases (21%)had NICU admissions, 4 cases (4%) were still born and 2 cases(2%) had intrauterine fetal death Conclusion: Oligohydramnios is associated with fetal distress, meconium aspiration syndrome ,respiratory distress syndrome ,increased NICU admissions, low birth weight, perinatal mortality, morbidity and increased maternal morbidity due to increased cesarean section rates.Oligohydramnios requires intense fetal monitoring with proper antenatal and intrapartum care.Hence, AFI can be used as a primary tool in fetal surveillance in antenatal and intrapartum period and can help in categorization of fetus into high risk and low risk .One can have favourable outcome with good antenatal and intrapartum care.

Last modified: 2024-10-18 15:52:53