Software and hardware microcontroller complex for vibration monitoring
Journal: European Scientific e-Journal (Vol.31, No. 4)Publication Date: 2024-06-30
Authors : Valerii V. Semenets; Igor V. Prasol;
Page : 65-75
Keywords : software and hardware complex; vibrations; accelerometer; software; register; interface; microcontroller;
Modern technological processes require continuous monitoring of many parameters of technological equipment. Mechanical parameters are the most important ones, in particular, mechanical vibrations of the object under study. Such monitoring is required in various fields of science and technology. The purpose of the study is to build a microcontroller-based system that allows analyzing vibration parameters of a technical object to prevent possible accidents. The formulation of the problem of constructing a hardware and software complex based on the STM32F407VG microcontroller for studying vibrations with the LIS3DSH accelerometer is presented. A physical model of the system, including a microcontroller and a three-axis digital accelerometer LIS3DSH, has been designed and implemented. The system is characterized by a low price of the technical solution. The interaction between the microcontroller and the accelerometer occurs via the SPI interface. Specialized software for the system has been developed and implemented, including a driver for setting up, collecting, and processing data from the accelerometer and corresponding software for plotting vibration acceleration graphs of signals in the time and frequency domains. The built-in software makes it possible to implement a wide range of functionality and freely use it. The constructed system makes it possible to analyze vibration parameters to anticipate and prevent possible accidents, reducing costs associated with the failure of expensive parts and components.
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Last modified: 2024-12-09 07:01:59