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Innovative and Integrated Development of Single-Industry Production Structures of the Transport Market of the National Economy

Journal: Quarterly Scientific Journal "Economic Herald of the Donbas" (Vol.77, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 13-20

Keywords : mono-professional enterprises; transport; transport infrastructure; inter-industry complexes; complex of innovations; integrated chains;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article considers the development of single-industry enterprises of the transport market of the national economy and the features of transport-economic formations of single-industry production structures. It has been determined that the formation of single-industry enterprises depends on a number of factors, the leading place is occupied by transport, which forms the infrastructure of the country's economic complex, reflects the development and arrangement of production and consumption, that is, the formation, functioning and development of production forces. The interrelations of transport infrastructure in the production process are analyzed and it is determined that among business entities that reflect the complexity of political, economic and social transformations, there are single-industry enterprises with a city-forming character of influence, that is, those enterprises whose performance determines the development of the vast majority of the country's settlements. The formation, formation and development of intersectoral complexes of the regional economy depends both on the state and on single-industry enterprises that have a formative influence on the city, their industry focus, specialization, ownership, human resources, transport accessibility and security, which determine the specifics, types and level of their development. The subjects that determine the formation and development of single-industry enterprises are considered, the main of which is the state as the main political organization of society, which protects the economic and social structure in a certain state territory, as well as a set of state authorities that have concentrated economic power, make economic decisions on a national scale, dispose state property. It has been substantiated that the performance of single-industry enterprises necessitates the development of additional ser-vices covering various areas of activity, in particular, those related to the provision of a range of services, training of new professions, the creation of new types of products and new types of business, which increases the efficiency of resource use and specific features of the territory of their location.

Last modified: 2025-01-18 01:41:24