Становление ценностей личности: структурно-функциональная модель
Journal: Sociosfera (Vol.4, No. 4)Publication Date: 2013-12-15
Authors : Romanyuk L. V.;
Page : 109-114
Keywords : values; values’ becoming; personality’s values; socialization space; university space of socialization; structural-functional model; intra-personal mechanisms; socio-psychological mechanisms;
This attempt to project modeling the personality values’ becoming in the space of socialization through the Burdie’s social spase theory paradigms. Design of structural-functional model for the personality values’ becoming is considered necessary for improve detection and self-management of process personality’s values becoming in overall development personality as a subject of their own development. The researches on students’ values becoming include investigation of interaction and mutual infl uence of intrapersonal and socio-psychological mechanisms on their development, which is highly important for practical management, training technology and education of students
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Last modified: 2015-07-01 15:59:59