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Influence of the shrinkage and the slenderness of fibers on the properties of the mortars destined for the concretes fiber

Journal: Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures (JMES) (Vol.2, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 145-157

Keywords : Mortar; Metal fiber; Twinge; Embuvage;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The purpose of this research which was directed towards the incorporation of metal fiber in the mortar is to know the behavior of the concrete in a fresh state on the one hand, and to improve the mechanical properties in a state hardened on the other hand, after reinforcement by varied quantities of these fibers. Carried out work consists of the realization of several series of specimens, while varying the content, the twinge (L/D) of fiber and the report/ratio (E/C) fixes of 0.5. Bending tests and compression were carried out on these specimens, the bending tests made it possible to follow the behavior of this material beyond cracking the stage of ductility is highlighted on the curves obtained. The results obtained show well that the metal fibers can be used in the mortar like reinforcement with any reliability and safety especially in the fields where excessive requests can exist.

Last modified: 2016-05-01 19:23:21