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Congenital Disorder in the Fetal Development of a Live Birth using Rule Based Inference

Journal: International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology (IJMTST) (Vol.2, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 123-126

Keywords : IJMTST;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Congenital disorder is a condition existing at or before birth regardless of cause. Of these diseases, those characterized by structural deformities are termed "congenital anomalies" and involve defects in a developing fetus. Birth defects vary widely in cause and symptoms. Any substance that causes birth defects is known as a teratogen. Some disorders can be detected before birth through prenatal diagnosis It is caused due to some genetically disorder, environmental or drug exposure. The aim of the paper is to find the proportion of the population of congenital disorder. The inference engine helps in finding the new conclusion referencing to knowledge base and conclude using inference engine. The proposed system looks after the infant and the maternal information and draws some conclusion about the occurrence of the congenital disorder. This type of experiments should be conducted all over the world so that the death dates of infants can be reduced and proper medications and care can be taken in order to prevent disorders in prior.

Last modified: 2016-06-02 13:52:21