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Is a Long-Term Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Program Effective in Van Der Knaap Syndrome?

Journal: Austin Journal of Clinical Case Reports (Vol.1, No. 12)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 1-5

Keywords : Physiotherapy; Rehabilitation; Bayley III; Van der Knaap Syndrome;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This study aimed to investigate the benefit of physiotherapy treatment that implemented programme from 1 year old up to 5 years in a patient with Van der Knaap Syndrome. Physiotherapy evaluations of the child included cognitive, fine and gross motor development assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development - Third Edition (Bayley-III), gross motor function with the Gross Motor Function Measurement (GMFM), and tonus evaluation with the Modified Ashworth Scale. Physiotherapy programme was performed during 36 months, 3 days per week by physical therapist according to Neurodevelopmental Treatment approach. During the therapy programme, GMFM scores are increased 19,43% to 81,14% and the cognitive, motor and language development of patient was "extremely low" level according to Bayley-III. This case report is the first study about the long-term physiotherapy programme of child with Van der Knaap and shows significant effect of this.

Last modified: 2016-07-27 19:11:41