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Receptive uterine environment: maternal control, control embryo, embryonic death

Journal: REVISTA MVZ CÓRDOBA (Vol.15, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 1976-1984

Keywords : Uterus; progesterone; estradiol; pregnancy proteins; embryo loss.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The receptive environment on the uterus, or embryotrophic environment, it is the mother’s capacity to successfully hostel the conceptus. The uterus receptivity depends on the correct synchrony of the conceptus - corpus luteum ? endometrium axis and it is controlled by two mechanisms; the first one is controlled by the mother through the relationship between estrogens (E2) y progesterone (P4); The second one is mediated by the trophoblast through the secretion of interferon tau. The estrogens are synthesized in the follicular cells and modulate physical, morphological and behavioral changes during the female hit. P4 is synthesized by the corpus luteum and one of its functions is to promote the gestation’s maintenance. When fertilization and embryo development is successful the INFt exert its luteotrhopic effects between 15th and 19th days of gestation, unchaining mother’s recognition of gestation process to avoid the luteal regression and to guarantee the embryo survival. Besides, the INFt stimulate the mother’s organism to produce a microenvironment that provides optimal nutritional, immunological and physiological conditions to embryo. This review wants to contextualize the endometrial changes that provide the necessary conditions for the embryo development and the established of the gestation.

Last modified: 2016-08-03 22:51:36