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Journal: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia (Vol.1, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 1-20

Keywords : identitas diri; makna; komunikator dan guru profesional;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In the education's communication, the learning processes is the communication process which placed the teacher as the source of the message or education's communicator. An education's communicator required to have professional ability, known as academic competence. So the teacher has known as professional teacher if he has pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence and professional competence. Besides that, in the social reality, a teacher should keep their performance and attitude related to their personality. Because of the teacher are different from others employees commonly. The other Employees when they has completed their job in the office can do social activity without having to behave and act like in the office. And a teacher with his or her self-identity should be keep his behavior and attitude in both, the social and school environment where he worked. Of course this is a long process in the construction of the identity of a teacher, teaching experience, time and decades have passed a process of the meaning internalization and externalization about teacher's identity. So the meaning of teacher-self identity became as the source of inspiration or the inspiring man both in the school life and social life. And of course this is correlated with teacher self as a educational communicator became himself not only as the source of the message but someone (teacher) who has the credibility of communicator like rhetoric skill, a good listener, persuasive personal, keeping the performance, public analysis, keeping the body language and using the right media, so that in the communication process of education he (teacher) became a credible communicator.

Last modified: 2016-10-24 14:03:09