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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.100, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 133-148

Keywords : integrated fodder market; system of adjacent markets; reproduction processes; state regulation measures.;

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Background. Development of regulatory measures, aimed at balanced development of system markets which is adjacent to the fodder market stipulates a necessity of innovative market analysis techniques application. For this reason sector analysis of commodity and financial flows within the phases of the reproduction cycle allows us to estimate an efficiency of functioning of entire system of adjacent markets. This defines urgency and the aim of this article. Material and methods. The analysis of the market of mixed fodder has been carried out for 2005?2013 years with use of methods of the sector and dynamic analysis, structural and logical and balance methods. Theoretical base of the article is composed of the theory of a reproduction cycle, study of scientists and market analysts. Empirical base is the article is composed of official data of Public service of statistics of Ukraine and the Public customs service of Ukraine. Results. State market of mixed fodder products is a four-sector integrated market. In system of adjacent markets the lower adjacent is markets of seeds and feed grains, related is markets of livestock products and poultry. In 2013 the market capacity of fodder amounted to 7.05 million tons, exports ? 0.29 % of total production, the level of capacity utilization of specialized enterprises ? 20?40 %, which is a testimony to unrealized production and export market potentials. In the course of research were identified structural deformation of reproduction processes in the market, major economic problems of its development, developed a system of regulatory measures aimed at effective functioning integrated market of mixed fodder. Conclusion. Strategic directions of the development of fodder market is to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian products, the use for its production of own environmentally friendly raw materials, diversification of distribution channels, phased reduction of import premix and protein supplements, implementation of the stimulation mechanisms of the domestic mixed fodder products exports.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 19:05:45