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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.101, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 22-30

Keywords : practical philosophy; management philosophy; paradigm; normal science; scientific revolution; paradigm shift; methodological anarchism.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. The scientific article is devoted to the topical problems of modern management philosophy, which is becoming more practical. This is due to the high dynamics of social development, lots of conflicts in life and high cost of administrative errors. Review of scientific sources has shown that the basic methodological approaches to the management process are summarized in modern management philosophy. Within a particular philosophical paradigm knowledge of management acquires integrity and interdependence of its structural components. Lack of comprehension of conceptual and systematic basis of the social management from the positions of modern post nonclassical scientific and methodological approaches to the regulation of social systems caused the main aim of the study. Material and methods. Besides general logical research methods set of methods and approaches of post nonclassical science that studies self-organizing and self-regulating system of natural and socio-cultural origin was applied. Results. The paper focuses on the fact that the current philosophical paradigm requires management professionals in the field of wide ideological range of managerial vision of reality in the unity of the general, special and concrete. Management effectiveness largely depends on understanding by the executives the value system that determines life guidance of social system. Tolerance creates an opportunity for dialogue, cooperation and formation of a common identity even if there are cultural differences. In Ukraine should take place the transition to the paradigm of social administration, which is characterized by strengthening social oriented management system to the interests of the individual, more flexible forms of regulation of social relations based on self-organization. Conclusion. Formation of simplified management paradigm is the cause of errors in management practice. If there are deep social contradictions culture can lose the human character, acquire alienated forms and turn into anti-culture. Professionalization of managerial work is an important prerequisite for overcoming anti-social phenomena and effective social control in Ukraine.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 20:14:20